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World Mental Health Day (10 October 2024)

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World Mental Health Day 2024

Trigger Warning: this page includes mention of suicide.

World Suicide Prevention Day takes place on 10 September every year and is organised by the International Association for Suicide Prevention and co-sponsored by the World Health Organisation. It was established to ‘raise awareness around the globe that suicide can be prevented’. We agree. This is why we advocate for building positive mental health in and through work by creating a culture of prevention. This includes, providing all workers with the knowledge, tools and confidence to not only recognise mental ill-health in themselves but also in their colleagues. Through normalising conversations about mental health, it will remove the stigma that persistently surrounds it and empower more people to seek support if/when they need it.

In 2024, the theme is “Changing the Narrative on Suicide”. The aim is to ‘shift from a culture of silence and stigma to one of openness, understanding, and support’. This is why we are encouraging our Supporters to start the conversation within their own organisations and across their networks.

Why is World Suicide Prevention Day important?

The shocking statistics regarding the suicide in our key sectors tell us why World Suicide Prevention Day is so important:

  • Four in five suicides are by men, with suicide the biggest cause of death for men under 35. [1]
  • In 2022, there were 6,588 suicides registered in the UK. [2]
  • Of the 6,319 suicides registered in the UK in 2021, 507 were in construction alone. [3]
  • Drivers of work lift trucks had a suicide rate 85% higher than the national average, van drivers were noted to have a rate 25% higher, and drivers of large goods vehicles 20% higher than the national average. [4]
  • Virtually all UK farmers (95%) under the age of 40 rank poor mental health as one of the biggest hidden problems facing the industry today. [5]

As the Office of National Statistic report stated: attempting to explain suicide is complex as it is likely that a number of factors act together to increase risk, including some job-related features. We believe employers can play a critical role in helping to prevent suicides.

There is a moral case, but also a growing awareness of a strong business case, which demonstrates that prevention needs to be at the heart of changes to company culture which employers wish to make.


At Mates in Mind, we work with organisations to improve the mental health of their workforce by providing the skills, clarity, and confidence to employers on how to raise awareness, improve understanding and address the stigma that surrounds mental health.

This is why we have created a suite of resources to support organisations not only during World Suicide Prevention Day, but also to build a supportive workplace culture which creates positive mental health in and through work.

To access our free World Suicide Prevention Day resource pack, please complete the short form below. Anyone downloading the pack will receive an invitation (in September) to book a place (first come first served) for our World Mental Health Day webinar on 10 October.

Please scroll down beyond the form to download additional free resources including a free poster.

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Please click on the link below to download a free poster. You can personalise it by adding the relevant details of your Mental Health First Aiders, HR team, Employee Assistance Programme and so on, in the white box. Please then share it across your organisation.

World Suicide Prevention Day 2024

Please also visit our Resources page where you can download additional free resources.

Visit our Resources

Please sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of this page to be informed when we publish new blogs in our ‘How to optimise your mental wellbeing’ series. The first blog can be found:

Six tips to optimise your mental wellbeing

If the information on this page has resonated with you, and if you or someone you know needs help or support, you can speak to one of the many free, confidential support services below:

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Mates in Mind Supporters

We have additional materials exclusively available for our Supporters.

To download these materials please log in to the Supporter portal, and access your resources:

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If you are not a Supporter but would like to find out more about our Programme please read on.

How we can support you

Mates in Mind can support your organisation to build a mental health plan and to create a culture of prevention.

Our dedicated team of Support Managers work with organisations of any size to develop a tailored action plan, evaluating your organisation's priorities and gaps, and providing the tools and support you need.

This plan will not only include ongoing support with communication and delivery of your plan, but also training opportunities, promotional materials, and a suite of tools (including awareness date resources) to enable you to drive long-lasting and meaningful change.

Find out more about how we can help your organisation build a culture of prevention when you become a Supporter by:

If you would like to know when we publish new resources, please complete the newsletter sign up at the bottom of this page.


[1] MPs to examine men’s mental and physical health in new inquiry - Committees - UK Parliament

[2] Suicide statistics - House of Commons Library (

[3] Suicide statistics - House of Commons Library (

[4] Suicide by occupation, England

[5] Virtually all young UK farmers worried about poor mental health (

[6] Office of National Statistics report

Information and Resources.

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We offer organisations a number of tools and resources to help them improve the mental health of their workforce, such as; awareness day resource packs, posters, infographics, factsheets and much more.

Learn more about our Information and Resources

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