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Stress Awareness Month (April) - is your organisation compliant when it comes to stress? Find out more, download a free poster and access our stress awareness video series.

Stress Awareness Month: April 2025

Driving Alone at Christmas

Welcome Break have partnered with Mates in Mind to offer mental health support for those travelling on the roads this Christmas.

As the festivities, festivals and celebrations start to ramp up, for many it is a time of joy and togetherness, but it can also bring both personal and work pressures, including on finances, working longer hours, being away from home for extended periods, deadlines and loneliness – did you know that in 2020, around 8 million people in the UK spent Christmas alone?

These stressors can affect anyone but are especially true for those working in some of the key sectors that make this season possible, including, transport and logistics, manufacturing, retail, agriculture, construction, hospitality, health and more.

If you saw our posters in a Welcome Break, then you may be reading this because you are looking for support either for yourself, or someone else.

Please remember you are never alone.

Support services

Below are some key services that you may find helpful:

  • General:
    • Samaritans - call 116 123.
    • Mates in Mind - text BEAMATE to 85258.
    • NHS – call 111 and select option 2.
  • Finance:
    • Money Helper - call: 0800 138 7777.
    • Step Change - visit their website
  • Bereavement: Cruse Bereavement Care - call: 0808 808 1677.

We have additional support services, including QR codes that will take you to the relevant website, on our Need Help page.

Supporting yourself

If you would like to know how to optimise your mental wellbeing, our blog series can help with tips for:

Supporting others

If you are looking for ways to support those around you, please read our blogs on:

Supporting us

You may also be interested in supporting us, so that we can continue our vision of building positive mental health in and through work. We do this by providing the skills, clarity and confidence to employers on how to raise awareness, improve understanding and address the stigma of mental ill-health within the workplace so that mental health becomes everyone’s issue, and no one reaches crisis point.

Please click on the link below to find out how you can support our work:

Support Mates in Mind

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