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World Suicide Prevention Day (10 September 2024)

Find out more and download free resources: World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day 2024

It is our pleasure to partner with MAD World to bring you the first ever MAD World Construction Summit on 17 October 2024 in London.

The event will bring together key figures to provide insight, expertise and best practice case studies on mental health in the construction sector and what organisations are doing to improve mental wellbeing within their own organisation and their supply chains.

Attendees will hear from construction organisations (on what they are doing and the impact it is having), mental health experts, regulators and other key stakeholders. It is a chance to learn, to be inspired and to go away armed both with greater understanding but also concrete steps to take in your organisation to improve mental health and wellbeing, and through that the performance of your people, organisation and supply chain.

To align with World Mental Health Day, the inaugural MAD World Construction Summit will be staged alongside the 7th MAD World Summit, and we invite you to join us. Whether you’re self-employed, or part of a construction (or related sector) organisation of any size, from multinational to SMEs and sole traders, the content will be relevant whether you have a specialist role – HR or Health and Safety, or you are a senior leader, line manager, employee, or apprentice. Government entities, colleges offering built environment apprenticeships, regulatory bodies and consultants are also invited to join the event.

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Standard Rate: £345.00 plus VAT (see discount code below).

When you are ready to book, please use the code MATESRATE to get an exclusive 25% discount:

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